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Kilde:$.EFS 1994 pkt. 862 Vraget stævn er i 350 grader. Vraget er cirka
30 meter langt og ligger 30 meter fra en olieledningen.
(c)Rettet den 21/02-2001. ANDERS CLAUSEN

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Tilføjet af: twm - 28-09-2001
Kan dette være U-15?

Type IIB
Laid down 24 Sep, 1935 Deutsche Werke, Kiel
Commissioned 7 Mar, 1936 Kptlt. Werner von Schmidt
03.36 - 05.36 Kptlt. Werner von Schmidt
05.36 - 08.36 Kptlt. Hans Cohausz
08.36 - 09.37 Kptlt. Werner von Schmidt
10.37 - 10.39 Kptlt. Heinz Buchholz
10.39 - 01.40 Kptlt. Peter Frahm

Career 5 patrols 1 Mar, 1936 - 1 Aug, 1939 1. Flottille (front boat)
1 Sep, 1939 - 31 Dec, 1939 1. Flottille (front boat)
1 Jan, 1940 - 30 Jan, 1940 1. Flottille (front boat)

Successes 3 ships sunk for a total of 4.532 tons

Fate Sank 31 Jan, 1940 in the North Sea at Hoofden, after being rammed in error by the German torpedo boat Iltis. 25 dead (all hands lost).

Men lost from U-boats
Unlike many other U-boats, which during their service lost men due to accidents and various other causes, U-15 did not suffer any casualties (we know of) until the time of her loss.

There was another U-15 in World War One
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 18 Sep, 1911 and commissioned into the Imperial Navy on 7 Jul, 1912. The Naval war in WWI was brought to an end with the Armistice signed on 11 Nov, 1918.

The Conning Tower
For each and every U-boat you can read a lot more on each boat. New information available includes: a) List of all patrols, b) Mediterranean patrol info, c) List of all ships hit by the U-boat. Read more about our members area here.
  • Oprettet før 01-06-2005 af twm

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